Hog Lights – Choosing The Right Light For Night Hunting.
If you’ve spent any time at all researching night hunting lights you have undoubtedly discovered that there are darn near as many night hunting lights on the market as there are wild hogs in the state of Texas (2.6 million last count).
In your search for the right night hunting light it is beneficial to start with the simple question, ‘What is my primary need for a night hunting light?’ This simple question can point you in the right direction to find the ultimate light to meet your needs.

Night hunting lights vary in intensity from a well designed bow light providing just the right amount of light for close 25-75 yard shots – to the insane claiming 800 yard plus illumination distances .
These specialized night hunting lights can vary not only in intensity but also in color (red green white) as well as size from the compact to the burdensome bordering on being unusable in the field.
Starting with the simple question, ‘What is it that I need / desire in my night hunting rig to accomplish’ will filter out some of the market noise loaded with unrealistic boisterous claims.
If your desire is to locate the perfect bow light, you have immediately eliminated 75 pct. of the options on the market. As a seasoned bow hunter you know it makes no sense to over light the targeted area with a light that claims to shine ridiculous distances, you want to illuminate the area as needed to take a safe shot, not throw so much light that the corn starts popping!
If your needs are to locate a versatile light “kit” that allows you to hunt several species of game at varying distances while utilizing a selection of colored led emitters, again you’ve narrowed the field, and made your search that much easier.
If you are primarily a hog hunter taking shots @ 100-200 yards with a green led rifle/ scope mounted light – there is a light for you. Don’t fall victim to sales sizzle, a light claiming to illuminate out to 700 plus yards will over light your target area casting shadows and spooking game.
Starting with an understanding of your needs will narrow the focus and point you in the right direction to locate the perfect night hunting rig, filtering out all the market noise and absurd performance claims that you will undoubtedly run across in your search.
Their are plenty of options to choose from, and as is the case with any product there are some great night hunting lights sold by reputable companies that understand and stand behind their products. There is also a lot of worthless night hunting lights sold out of the back of bubba’s pickup, that will undoubtedly fall short of meeting your night hog, predator or varmint hunting needs.
We love to talk hunting @ HOGMAN OUTDOORS and will gladly discuss our full line of night hunting products and give honest answers to any questions you may have, whether you purchase our product or a competitors product . Safe hunting and remember when the sun sets “It’s go time!”
Take back the night with HOGMAN – OUTDOORS full line of specialty night hunting equipment!
Hog HuntingNight hunting lightsHog hunting lightsGreen hog lightsScope mounted lightsStealth Hunter Kit