HOGMAN-OUTDOORS has hit the airwaves! Game Alert®, our one-of-a-kind hog hunting product, has been endorsed by none other than Luke Clayton, host of Outdoors with Luke Clayton and Friends, High Plains Outdoors, and Outdoors with Luke Clayton, and author of the new book Kill to Grill – The Ultimate Guide to Hog Hunting.

Hog hunting is a popular pastime among many hunting enthusiasts, and is a supported population control method for the non-invasive species. While hunting hogs is enjoyed by many, it can also be a dangerous endeavor. In addition to the aggressive nature of hogs, which can put hunters at risk, feral hogs also carry diseases which can be transmitted to humans. One of the most common diseases carried by feral hogs is swine brucellosis.

It’s no secret that feral hogs are hard to take. With an estimated population of 2.6 – 4 million in Texas alone, feral hogs are an invasive species wreaking havoc on native crop and wildlife, and their rapid rate of reproduction, nocturnal nature, and adaptable diet make them a difficult species to slow down.

Become part of the next generation of hunting technology. Stop by our booth this weekend at Hunters Extravaganza and enter to win hog hunting gear and accessories from HOGAMN-OUTDOORS.

Lawmakers in North Carolina and Pennsylvania are fighting for the state to allow Sunday hunting in an attempt to eradicate centuries-old laws which they say hinder economic growth and impede on basic homeowner rights.
- Choosing the right mount for your Rifle Mount Flashlight
- Protect yourself from wild hog disease
- Feral Hog Facts
- Texas County putting bounty on hogs
- When "Old School" is what you need
- Night hunting with the PATENTED GAME ALERT® Stealth Hunter Kit
- Making Sense Of Feral Hog Senses
- Shadow Games Night Hunting Hogs
- GAME ALERT® Night Hunting Module vs. Hog Feeder Light
- Green Hunting Lights - Understanding The Need/Application of Night Hunting Lights
- Tell-Tale Signs Of Wild Hogs In The Area
- So, Where Do I Aim For The Quickest Kill?
- The Hunter Becomes The Hunted In The Off Season
- Cooking Wild Hogs Not As Tricky As You Think
- Hog Lights – Choosing The Right Light For Night Hunting.
- Techniques for Butchering Wild Hogs
- How To Field Dress A Hog
- Hunting Varmints At Night
- Wild Hogs Wreak Havoc on Deer Hunting
- The Clean Kill: Where to Shoot a Hog
- Why Are Feral Hogs Hard To Hunt?
- Hunting Feral Hogs At Night
- DIY Hog Hunting Bait | Tips and Tricks For Taking Feral Hogs
- Feral Hog Population Control Methods Across Texas
- Tips For Hog Hunting With Feeders
- Feral Hog Hunting Checklist
- What Color Flashlight Is Best For Feral Hog Hunting?
- How To Stay Safe While Feral Hog Hunting
- Louisiana’s Growing Feral Hog Problem
- Game Alert® Endorsed by Luke Clayton
- Protect Yourself From Feral Hog Diseases And Brucellosis When Hog Hunting
- Feral Hog Hunting: How to Take Advantage Of Hog Weaknesses
- Visit HOGMAN-OUTDOORS at Hunters Extravaganza!
- Could Sunday Hunting Become a Reality for These States?
- Three Tips for Hog Hunting at Night
- Hog Hunting Tips for Beginners
- Where to Hunt Feral Hogs Year Round
- Louisiana Bills to Loosen State Hog Hunting Regulations
- Feral Hogs Plaguing Rural Missouri
- The Signs of a Feral Hog
- It’s Open Season In South Carolina For Hog Hunting
- The Maternal Wild Hog
- The Hog Wars Battle is Raging in Louisiana
- The Impact Of Feral Hogs On Deer
- Escalating Feral Hog Population - A Big Concern In South Carolina
- When Hunting, Take Advantage of Hog Vulnerabilities
- Win A Hog Hunting Trip
- Feral Hog Advantage
- The Nocturnal Behavior of Feral Hogs
- Hogman Sighting 1